Environmental Services

A-T-S leverages over 25 years of experience in the environmental science and natural resource management sector supporting complex environmental and ecological management projects for clients across the state and beyond. Our ecological/biological staff conduct habitat mapping, monitoring, and assessment for native plants; rare, sensitive, and endangered wildlife species; invasive species identification, mapping, monitoring, and control; rangeland sampling and monitoring; infrastructure assessments; and hydrological, geomorphic, and erosion mapping and monitoring. We also provide a suite of services for taxonomy analysis, pathogen management, and floristic investigations. A-T-S assists with all aspects of data management (geographical information system [GIS] and global positioning system [GPS] ) and analytical services for environmental projects and large-scale mitigation and restoration programs.

State and Federal Permits for:

California Tiger Salamander

California Red-legged Frog

Vernal Pool Branchiopods

Rare Plant Voucher Collections

Bird Salvage and Egg Collection


Professional Engineer

Certified Ecologist

Professional Wetland Scientist

Certified Arborist

Professional Certificate – Geographical Information Science (GIS)

Ecological Services:

Restoration Conceptual Planning

Restoration Compliance and Performance Monitoring

Restoration Maintenance Planning and Oversight Management

Wetlands/Waters Delineation

WetlandFunctional Assessment (CRAM)

Botanical Surveys

Vegetation Mapping

Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys

Invasive Species Assessment, Mapping and Management

Wildlife Surveys

Wildlife Camera Trapping

Habitat Assessment

Grazing and Rangeland Management

Fisheries and Fish Passage Assessment

Marine Mammals

Mitigation Planning 

Project Feasibility, Siting & Planning

Natural Resource Assessment

Opportunities & Constraints Analysis

GPS Surveys, Flagging and Data Collection

GIS Data Analysis and Mapping

Regulatory & Compliance 

Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 and 404

Porter-Cologne Waste Discharge Permits

CWA Section 404 (b)(1) Alternatives Analysis

CDFW Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements

Coastal Development Permits

BCDC Permits

State and Federal Endangered Species Act Consultation

Biological Assessments

CEQA – EIR Biological and Cultural Resources Sections

Construction Compliance Management and Monitoring

Contractor Environmental Awareness Training and Education

Contractor and Crew Oversight

Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 and 404 Permitting

Geospatial Science 

Our approach emphasizes streamlined data collection, processing and data management to improve data quality and GIS workflows. We leverage ESRI’s rich ecosystem of geospatial products and services, including ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, Collector, Survey 123, ArcGIS Online and commercial imagery and UAS platforms. A-T-S provides data-driven, client focused solutions to address complex conservation and natural resource management challenges. We leverage technology and science to increase the scope and capacity of our work to achieve outcomes and exceed client expectations. Our team combines expertise in Geographic Information Systems, geospatial science, mapping and cartography, GIS application development and environmental science.

Environmental Engineering

Watershed Resources Monitoring and Management

Hydrology Analysis

Watershed Planning

Water Resource Investigations and Surveys

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Cultural and Paleontological Resources 

State Historic Preservation Office Consultation

Cultural / Paleontological Resource Surveys 

Cultural/ Paleontological Construction Monitoring

Historic Records Search